Everything is fucked: Econometrics Edition

Following Sanjay Srivastava’s (fake) syllabus on pychological research, I thought I summarise a couple of recent econometrics related papers with a similar message.

Clustered standard errors

The first paper by Abadie, Athey, Imbens, and Wooldridge explains why we should think more carefully about the level at which clustering of standard errors is applied (and if it is necessary at all). A good summary is found at the Metrics Monday blog.

The take-a-way message is that clustering is not an empirical issue but a research design decisions.

Moreover, we show that the question whether, and at what level, to adjust standard errors for clustering is a substantive question that cannot be informed solely by the data (Abadie et al.)

What that means is that it is not enough to run the analysis with and without clustered standard errors and check whether there is any difference.

There are two things two consider:

  1. Sampling: If you randomly sample a subset of the clusters in the population and leave some out. A research design like that is not uncommon with hand collected data where the hand collected data is only collected for a subset of firms in the ASX200 but for multiple time periods. In this case, you should cluster at the firm level if you want to say something about the ASX200 firms that are not in your dataset. This is probably the less important issue for most accounting and finance studies.

  2. Causal effect: If you have a causal effect (e.g. a change in regulation), and that is administered to a cluster and not to individual observations, you should cluster at that level. For instance, if you do a study with US data, and you look at a regulatory change in some states but not in other states, you should cluster at the state level. Similar for cross-country studies.

PS: Adding fixed effects only absolves you of clustering standard errors if you think that your causal effect is the same for each observation. That is if you think that some firms will react differently to a change in regulation, fixed effects don’t solve the need for clustering.

Instrumental variables.

The second one by Young focuses on (weak) instrumental variables and their standard errors. It does not look very good for the traditional 2SLS estimators.

The paper uses the bootstrap to test whether the standard errors of 2SLS are appropriate. They are not. 2SLS underestimates the standard errors and leads to more false positives. You should use the bootstrap to estimate standard errors of 2SLS. The intuition is that least squared standard errors are not very robust to deviations from normally distributed residuals. The two equations in 2SLS multiply the bias in standard errors compared to the one equation in OLS.

The paper actually show that in a lot of cases, you are better of to use regular OLS than 2SLS with bootstrap. Long story short, if you want to use 2SLS you have to have a setting that resembles a natural experiment.

Residuals as dependent variables

The last one by Chen, Hribar, and Melessa is especially relevant for the accountants. The link is to the working paper. The paper has been accepted in JAR. The paper deals with research designs where in a first step, a researcher runs a regression to measure the unexpected component of a variable (e.g. abnormal returns, unexpected audit fees, unexpected earnings) and then in a second step the researcher runs a regression on the unexpected component.

The basic problem is that if the independent variables from step 1 are not included in step 2, you get biased estimates. The results suggests that there are some false positives in the literature. The solution is relatively simple

  1. Do not run two different regressions but run one regression with all independent variables from step 1 and step 2.
  2. If that is not possible, you can run 2 regressions but you have to use all independent variables from step 1 in step 2 regression.
Stijn Masschelein
Stijn Masschelein
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance - Fellow in Center of Data Business Analytics

I am a lecturer in accounting at the University of Western Australia. I am interested in the role of (management accounting) information in decision making and risk taking. My research investigate how verifiable and subjective information supports formal and informal contracts. My interest is easily piqued and as a result I am involved in a wide variety of projects such as field applications in target setting and cost of quality, lab experiments on negotiations, markets, and risk taking, survey research on integrity and quantitative field studies in the banking sector. I developed experience in a range of statistical methods such as meta-analysis, (Bayesian) multilevel models, and simulations.
