

Stijn Masschelein


This last section is going to bring everything full circle to an extent. The topic of this section is generated variables which are variables that are the result of a regression. For instance, we could use the residuals or predicted values of one regression and use them as variables in an other regression. This is the idea behind two-stage least squares with an instrumental variable, models of abnormal returns, models of abnormal accruals, and a lot of matching approaches and many more in the accounting and finance literature.

The issue is that these generated variables might violate some of the implicit or explicit assumptions in the second regression model. I will go over some of the issues that are specific to certain models such as two-stage least squares on this page and the use of generated variables on the next page. The main message of this section is that the properties of these models that exists of more than one regression are not always well understood: the estimates could be biased or the standard software packages could give the wrong standard errors. The solutions I propose in this setting is to use simulations of many datasets to understand whether an approach gives biased estimates and use bootstrapped standard errors to check whether the multi-step approach gives reasonable standard errors. I use plenty of coding examples to illustrate these points.


gof_map <- c("nobs", "r.squared")
here() starts at /Users/stijnmasschelein/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Teaching/lecturenotes/method_package

An example: 2SLS

In this example, we are using a standard setting where an instrumental variable, iv, is used to identify the effect of a variable x on y in the presence of annoying confounding. Note that I generate the data in two steps. The initial tibble step simulates the variables that are exogenous and not affected by other parts of the model while the second mutate step simulates the endogenous variables that are causally affected by other parts of the model.

N <- 1e4
data_2sls <-
    iv = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5),
    annoying = rnorm(N)
  ) %>%
    x = rnorm(N, 2 * iv - 3 * annoying, 5),
    y = rnorm(N, 3 * annoying + x, 5)

Next, we run four different models with this data.

  • lm1 is the confounded regression.
  • lm2 controls for the annoying confounding factor and provides the best possible answer to the question. Unfortunately, in reality we often are not sure that we have all the confounding factors.
  • tsls is the standard two-stage least squares estimate with iv as the instrumental variable.
  • tsls_manual1 and tsls_manual2 run the two regressions of two-stage least squares manually.
lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = data_2sls)
lm2 <- lm(y ~ x + annoying, data = data_2sls)
tsls <- feols(y ~ 1 | 0 | x ~ iv, data = data_2sls)
tsls_manual1 <- lm(x ~ iv, data = data_2sls)
data_2sls <- data_2sls %>%
  mutate(fit_x = fitted(tsls_manual1))
tsls_manual2 <- lm(y ~ fit_x, data = data_2sls)
coef_map <- c('x' = 'x', 'annoying' = 'annoying',
              'fit_x' = 'x')
msummary(list(confounded = lm1, ideal = lm2, tsls = tsls,
              manual = tsls_manual2),
         gof_map = gof_map, coef_map = coef_map)
confounded ideal tsls manual
x 0.747 1.007 1.040 1.040
(0.010) (0.010) (0.061) (0.074)
annoying 2.970
Num.Obs. 10000 10000 10000 10000
R2 0.378 0.506 0.320 0.019

In the results, you can notice the following. The confounded regression is biased. We do not get the correct coefficient of \(\beta = 1\). The ideal regression estimates the coefficient precisely with a low standard error. Despite the high number of observations (10^{4}), the two-stage least squares estimates also have an unbiased estimate but the standard error is substantially larger. The manual two-stage least squares model gets exactly the same coefficient but the standard error is larger again.

It turns out that the standard error is wrong in the manual version (Gelman and Hill 2006, 223). That is why we should use the fixest package to estimate the two-stage least squares model. The problem is that in our second stage regression we use fit_x as the independent variable which is the predicted value of x in the first stage regression. When lm calculates the standard error of the coefficient, it uses the standard deviation of the residuals in the regression, i.e. the difference between y and the predicted y based on x_fit. However, we know that we should actually use x to predict y. So, we need to adjust the standard errors of the coefficient and that is what the following code does manually.

The following code shows how to do that adjustment 1. First, we get the coefficient table from the summary which is just a matrix, where we can access the values based on the name or row/column number of the values that we need. I am extracting the coefficient and the standard error that we are interested in. We can also extract the unadjusted standard deviation of the residuals which is called sigma in the summary. Finally, we calculate the adjusted standard deviation if we use x instead of fit_x to predict y. The last line adjusts the standard error.

coef_table <- summary(tsls_manual2)$coef
intercept <- coef_table["(Intercept)", 1]
beta <- coef_table["fit_x", 1]
se <- coef_table["fit_x", 2]
sd_unadj <- summary(tsls_manual2)$sigma
sd_adj <- data_2sls %>%
  mutate(e = y - intercept - beta * x) %>%
  summarise(sd = sd(e)) %>%
se * sd_adj / sd_unadj
[1] 0.06145269

With two-stage least squares, statisticians and econometricians have figured out the correct adjustments to standard errors and they are build into the software packages. For more complicated models with multiple steps this might not always be possible. One possible solution is to bootstrap the standard errors.

Bayesian Bootstrap

I have explained the bootstrap before. In this section, I introduce the Bayesian Bootstrap and it’s R implementation 2. In the traditional bootstrap we resample observations from the data with replacement so that we create new datasets which are similar but different from the original data. The disadvantage of the traditional approach is that the implicit weight on an observation in each resampled data is discrete and can be 0. The Bayesian bootstrap bootstrap creates explicit weights based on a Dirichlet distribution which gives a weight between for each observation so that the sum of the weights equals 1.

We do not need to know this to use the Bayesian bootstrap. We can just use the bayesboot package. The only thing we need to do is to create a function that returns the estimate that we are interested in based on the data and the weights. We can use the bootstrap function and tell it to start with the data_2sls, resample it R = 1000 times, calculate the beta with get_beta, and use weights in that calculation.

get_beta <- function(data, weights){
  tsls_manual1 <- lm(x ~ iv, data = data, weights = weights)
  data$fit_x <- fitted(tsls_manual1)
  tsls_manual2 <- lm(y ~ fit_x, data = data, weights = weights)
  beta <- coefficients(tsls_manual2)["fit_x"]
get_beta(data_2sls, weights = rep(1/N, times = N))
bootstrap <- bayesboot(data_2sls, get_beta, R = 1000,
                       use.weights = TRUE)
Bayesian bootstrap

Number of posterior draws: 1000 

Summary of the posterior (with 95% Highest Density Intervals):
 statistic     mean         sd   hdi.low hdi.high
     fit_x 1.038238 0.06325506 0.9135051 1.163498

 statistic     q2.5%      q25%  median     q75%   q97.5%
     fit_x 0.9146771 0.9978153 1.03673 1.080914 1.166789

 bayesboot(data = data_2sls, statistic = get_beta, R = 1000, use.weights = TRUE)

The Bayesian Bootstrap by hand and

If you want to calculate the Bayesian bootstrap by hand, I give the code below. It’s a good introduction on how to run efficient simulations with the tidyverse 3. I need to slightly change the function because we are going to put the simulated weights in the data. The next part is to actual create nsim versions of the data. The trick here is to say that we want the data data_2sls where we repeat each row nsim times.

The rest of the code follows more easy to understand patterns. We first create a sim variable so that we can keep track of different data simulations. In this case, the data is the same but we create new weights for each simulation. The weights are derived from a Dirichlet distribution which you can generate by an exponential distribution divided by the sum of the generated values (per simulation). We only keep the variables that are necessary in our get_beta_2 function. Then we create a dataset per simulation with the nest function and calculate the estimate in the last mutate step. And that is the Bayesian bootstrap as a simulation exercise.

get_beta_2 <- function(data){
  tsls_manual1 <- lm(x ~ iv, data = data, weights = weights)
  data$fit_x <- fitted(tsls_manual1)
  tsls_manual2 <- lm(y ~ fit_x, data = data, weights = weights)
  beta <- coefficients(tsls_manual2)["fit_x"]
nsim <- 1000
nrows <- nrow(data_2sls)
bootstrap2 <-
  data_2sls[rep(1:nrows, times = nsim),] %>%
  mutate(sim = rep(1:nsim, each = nrows),
         raw_weights = rexp(nsim *  nrows, 1)) %>%
  mutate(weights = raw_weights/sum(raw_weights), .by = sim) %>%
  select(sim, iv, x, y, weights) %>%
  nest(.by = sim) %>%
  mutate(beta = map_dbl(data, get_beta_2)) %>%
# A tibble: 1,000 × 3
     sim data                   beta
   <int> <list>                <dbl>
 1     1 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 0.932
 2     2 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.15 
 3     3 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 0.994
 4     4 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.01 
 5     5 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.06 
 6     6 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.12 
 7     7 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.01 
 8     8 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.04 
 9     9 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.07 
10    10 <tibble [10,000 × 4]> 1.08 
# ℹ 990 more rows
          estimate = mean(beta),
          se = sd(beta))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  estimate     se
     <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1.04 0.0622


Gelman, Andrew, and Jennifer Hill. 2006. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Cambridge University Press.


  1. Which you should never have to do!↩︎

  2. You can also find a thorough discussion here.↩︎

  3. This advice is based on the [Grant McDermott’s advice] for very efficient simulations. I did not implement everything but I did use most of the principles in the tidyverse setting.↩︎